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How Taiwan Should Prepare to Prevent Attack from China

Bat and Bear

The Problem: China continues to threaten an invasion of Taiwan.

The Solution: Taiwan should set an automated response to Chinese invasion by firing every weapon system at pre-determined military targets.

This idea comes from reading about a former US Marine commander who was tasked with playing Saddam Hussein in a pre-Gulf War war game.

He realised he had no hope of winning a conventional fight against the American and Allied forces, so he fired off everything in his arsenal at the approaching forces, causing widespread destruction. He was heavily criticised for doing so, as he was not following doctrine, but said it was the only hope he had of preventing invasion, so it made sense.

It shows what is needed in military strategy; unconventional thinking and bold plans executed with maximum aggression to achieve effect.

As China continues to clamp down on democracy in Hong Kong and states that re-unification with Taiwan will happen within the decade, the prospect of a Chinese invasion is real. The freedom of over 30 million Taiwanese is at stake, and they have no hope of defeating China in a conventional war, and it is questionable if the USA or any other states would assist them to fight off China.

They should therefore follow the example of the Gulf War war game and develop a plan whereby they launch every weapon in their arsenal at Chinese military targets if they are invaded.

An invasion is likely to be swift, so there is not much time to plan a response, which is why the plan needs to have been developed in advance. In addition, if countries are to support Taiwan, they need time to deploy their forces onto the battlefield.

Taiwan should therefore plan to be able to launch all of their arsenal of weaponry at Chinese targets if China invades. This would be a one-stop plan, like with nuclear launch codes, where a code is sent around the island and weapons are immediately fired. The plan would be to give a massive bloody nose to the Chinese military, causing domestic embarrassment for the Chinese government and depleting their ability to invade as their forces would have been so depleted, they would need to bring in re-enforcements.

This would not only buy time for Taiwan’s allies to deploy into the region to support them in the fight against the Chinese, but would also make China think twice about invading; would they be willing to risk so much of their military for the invasion? The destruction of so many military targets would make China less capable, increasing the willingness of the US and other countries to join the fight.

Taiwan cannot stop a Chinese invasion through conventional means because it has neither the manpower nor the firepower; its only option is to unload all of its firepower at once to cause such a display of violent destruction it blunts the Chinese attack and morale enough for allies to come to its aid.

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The Bat and Bear Story

There is a story about a Canadian phone company's telegraph lines being damaged by snow and the CEO asking his staff for solutions, saying no idea was too crazy to be considered.

The first two  proposals were to send a man with a baseball bat out to whack the telegraph poles, and to put a pot of honey on top so bears would shake them to retrieve the honey.

Neither idea worked, but they pointed the way to the eventual solution; flying a helicopter along the lines to blow away the snow.

That story was the inspiration for creating the Bat and Bear website to suggest short and simple solutions to the world’s biggest and smallest problems.

Not every idea will work exactly as set out in the posts, and some may not work at all, but the hope is they offer interesting and novel approaches that sow the seeds of eventual success.

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